Wouter Stips
Kunstenaar: Wouter Stips
Onderwerp: Kleurrijke, figuratieve voorstelling van een 'poezenonderzoek'
Productnr: 1199
Signatuur: Wouter Strips
Ingelijst: ja
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Wouter Stips studied graphic design at the Academy of Visual Arts in Rotterdam. After this he occupied himself with different forms of visual and applied arts, which makes Stips a very diverse artist. For example, he exhibited graphics and paintings, created animation films in Prague, puppets in Paris, wrote and directed theater performances and published comics as well as books. In 1996 Wouter decided to fully devote himself again to his great love: free painting, where he immediately developed a distinctive style of his own. Optimistic, cheerful and poetic are words that describe his works. His imaginative depictions are reminiscent of children's drawings, because they are imbued with spontaneity and cheerfulness. The compositions seem simple, but have been carefully thought out by Stips. He himself is very critical of his work.
Stips about his work: “I paint what I would like to dream myself; landscapes and performances in which people and animals meet, play with each other, unimpeded by any limitation. Everything should be possible in my paintings, just as it is possible in the still free, unbridled mind of a child. I don't think about what I'm painting. It arises like a dream arises. They are ideas and thoughts that I shape, it is like poetry, but with colours, surfaces and lines. A work is only good if I am surprised by it myself. A situation I paint is always unique. It is a snapshot, a still from a dream. Fragments of thoughts that miraculously meet. Music is always an important source of inspiration.”
Since 2004, Stips has also been making (glass) sculptures. His spiritual, imaginative works come to life through these three-dimensional forms. In the central hall of Hilversum are three masterpieces by him.